Zoom Link (complete zoom details found below flyer)
We are looking forward to joining you again with Dr. Emanuela Gussoni on Friday, May at 12:00PM EST for an informational webinar discussing muscle hypotonia in Kabuki syndrome. Please email us at kabuki@childrens.harvard.edu prior to April 22nd with any questions you would like to address during the webinar.

Zoom meeting information:
Join from your computer or mobile device: https://bostonchildrens.zoom.us/j/99177074877?pwd=QVhIb092ZlpRNU4zT1IxU3FOV0c4QT09
Password: Kabuki
Or dial in from your telephone:
Internally: x28882
Externally: 646-558-8656 (Primary)
408-638-0968 (If you are unable to dial into the primary number)
Or iPhone one-tap:
+16465588656,,99177074877# or +14086380968,,99177074877#
EWS link: https://zoom.us/wc/99177074877/join
Meeting ID: 991 7707 4877